The Hideout
Peg Kehret
I thought that the hideout by Peg Kehret was a great book. It had good structure and a great plot. I would recommend this book to anyone seeking adventure books. In the beginning of the book it explains that Jeremy’s parents died when a man walked into the mall and shot them. Jeremy’s parents were environmentalists and were against killing animals for sport. After Jeremy’s parents death Jeremy’s uncle said he would take Jeremy in. The train ride to Jeremy's uncles house was long and boring until their was a mudslide and the rocks and dirt knocked the train off the tracks. Jeremy thought that he was fine until the car he was in flipped and caught fire. He quickly got out and helped an old man escape from under a piece of steel. Jeremy then looked back at the wreck and ran off into the woods with his backpack, not knowing were he was going and when he would turn back. Jeremy walked and walked until he found an old cabin. He walked in and found that it had been deserted for a couple of years. The next couple of days found a store and a young girl named Bonnie from the town right next to his cabin. He became very good friends with Bonnie and when they were walking through the woods they found a poached bear and reported it to the police. The police eventually found the poachers and prosecuted them. The police then took Jeremy back to his uncle and the book ends with Jeremy emailing all of his old friend and his few new friends
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