Eragon was a great book I really liked it. It started in the Spine. The spine is a barren meadow in an isolated mountain range. Eragon was hunting for deer, he saw one and drew the arrow and shot, it flew straight right under the neck. he missed, and the deer ran away. He walked over to retrieve the arrow, it was sitting next to a rather large saphire rock. He picked up the arrow and the rock and made his way home. he left it on his shelf and went to bed all night it was banging up against the wall, it finally fell off. It cracked open and a dragon jumped out onto Eragons bed, he reached up to touch it as he brushed its scales, he felt a blistering pain and passed out.
when he woke up he was on the floor. His head hurt him terribly and his palm was hurting. When he saw his hand he was terribly scared and wrapped it in a cloth, when he stopped worrying about his hand he remembered the dragon. It was asleep on his bed, he admired it with its deep sapphire blue scales, the same color of the scales.
Over the next couple of months Eragon named the dragon Saphira. As Saphira grew larger, Eragon grew smarter. Every day Saphira hid in the woods and waited for Eragon to bring her food. After a while Eragon did not have to bring Saphira food, she would just go out and hunt a deer. They loved it, but there was only one problem if Eragon told the towns people of Saphira, they would be forced to tell the Empire. The Empire is ruled by the king, the king was very mean, and didnt allow dragons or dragonriders because they can detrown him.
Eragons journey started when the Ra' zac attacked Eragon and Saphira because they disobeyed the king, by having a dragon. So the Ra' zac burned down Eragons house, leaving Eragons uncle to die in the fields. Eragon was enraged so he and Saphira set their minds they would get revenge on the Ra' zac. Since Eragon could not ride Saphira without a saddle, they went to the leathershop. The owner wasn't there so they just took the biggest saddle. right before Saphira took off Brom the old story teller tapped Eragon on the shoulder. Brom wanted to come with them.Knowing brom Eragon said yes, or brom would let everyone know about Saphira and their trip.
What Eragon did not know was that Brom was part of the varden. the varden was a group of people that battled the Empire.During there journey Brom taught Eragon swordsmanship, the Ancient Language and how to use magic.
One day they all got captured and put in a holding cell till a transport waould come to pick them up and take them to the king. When Eragon was in his cell he devised a plan to escape by not eating the poisoned food they gave him he escaped from the cell, when he was going to retrieve his sword and weapons from a board room the met an elf named Arya She was very pretty and Eragon new she would be a help in his journey. When they were leaving they encountered a Shade. A Shade is a half human half elf creature, the only problem with Shades is you can only kill them if you plunge a sword through there heart. If you hit them anywhere else they vanish. Arya knew this and just to get away shot an arrow in its shoulder.
After that they escaped and were back on there journey. Arya became part of there team to try to defeat the Empire.
they spent the next couple of months looking for someone who knew where the varden was, during their search Brom died and Eragon met Murtagh. they finally found the varden but the varden did not trust them, so they were tested for the next couple of days to see if they were part of the Empire. After they were tested and the varden trusted them they told them the story of how they got there and how Brom told them to go to the varden.
I think Eragon was a great book I really liked it, there were alot of shocking moments and alot of thing you have to read the second book to understand. I could relate this book to many other fantasy books I have read. I think this would be a good book for other people to read.
when he woke up he was on the floor. His head hurt him terribly and his palm was hurting. When he saw his hand he was terribly scared and wrapped it in a cloth, when he stopped worrying about his hand he remembered the dragon. It was asleep on his bed, he admired it with its deep sapphire blue scales, the same color of the scales.
Over the next couple of months Eragon named the dragon Saphira. As Saphira grew larger, Eragon grew smarter. Every day Saphira hid in the woods and waited for Eragon to bring her food. After a while Eragon did not have to bring Saphira food, she would just go out and hunt a deer. They loved it, but there was only one problem if Eragon told the towns people of Saphira, they would be forced to tell the Empire. The Empire is ruled by the king, the king was very mean, and didnt allow dragons or dragonriders because they can detrown him.
Eragons journey started when the Ra' zac attacked Eragon and Saphira because they disobeyed the king, by having a dragon. So the Ra' zac burned down Eragons house, leaving Eragons uncle to die in the fields. Eragon was enraged so he and Saphira set their minds they would get revenge on the Ra' zac. Since Eragon could not ride Saphira without a saddle, they went to the leathershop. The owner wasn't there so they just took the biggest saddle. right before Saphira took off Brom the old story teller tapped Eragon on the shoulder. Brom wanted to come with them.Knowing brom Eragon said yes, or brom would let everyone know about Saphira and their trip.
What Eragon did not know was that Brom was part of the varden. the varden was a group of people that battled the Empire.During there journey Brom taught Eragon swordsmanship, the Ancient Language and how to use magic.
One day they all got captured and put in a holding cell till a transport waould come to pick them up and take them to the king. When Eragon was in his cell he devised a plan to escape by not eating the poisoned food they gave him he escaped from the cell, when he was going to retrieve his sword and weapons from a board room the met an elf named Arya She was very pretty and Eragon new she would be a help in his journey. When they were leaving they encountered a Shade. A Shade is a half human half elf creature, the only problem with Shades is you can only kill them if you plunge a sword through there heart. If you hit them anywhere else they vanish. Arya knew this and just to get away shot an arrow in its shoulder.
After that they escaped and were back on there journey. Arya became part of there team to try to defeat the Empire.
they spent the next couple of months looking for someone who knew where the varden was, during their search Brom died and Eragon met Murtagh. they finally found the varden but the varden did not trust them, so they were tested for the next couple of days to see if they were part of the Empire. After they were tested and the varden trusted them they told them the story of how they got there and how Brom told them to go to the varden.
I think Eragon was a great book I really liked it, there were alot of shocking moments and alot of thing you have to read the second book to understand. I could relate this book to many other fantasy books I have read. I think this would be a good book for other people to read.
Most untold mysteries are in the second book!
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